How to Implement an Electronic Filing System

Owning and operating a successful business means staying on top of the latest trends. In our digital world, many companies are relying on electronic filing systems. Most people have heard of “cloud” storage, but some are not sure how to utilize it. Are there other options as well? This article will explain how to implement a first-rate online system that will suit your business needs.

What is It?

An e-filing or computerized system coordinates and saves documents on a network or hard drive. The software can be internet based (the cloud) or on a desktop. Many times, it’s both. It’s great for keeping organized in this fast-tracked, digital world, allowing you to tailor-make things like functionality and file size. It makes storing and sharing your files with other employees a lot easier, especially when collaborating on a project.

Things to Look at

The number one thing to consider in choosing digital filing software is to ensure that it matches your budget. The good thing is that there are numerous systems available on the market that are also cost-effective.

There is a learning curve to new things, especially ones who struggle with technology. You will need to look at the skills of your employees (as well as your own) and see how experienced and tech-savvy everyone is. Don’t fret if you consider yourself to be digitally challenged because everything is teachable.

You will need to know how many people will be using this software before you buy it. Some e-filing systems impose a charge per person or have a minimum number of users to meet.


The Set-Up

The best way to approach a new system is by doing your research and prep work. You will be better equipped to handle everything that comes with it. Map out a plan before using anything.

Put rules into place for making and keeping track of your electronic files (proposals, invoices, marketing and advertising, and contracts). Do you already have templates for these things, or will you be creating them from scratch?

Sharing documents can be a tricky thing, especially if they contain sensitive or private information. It’s best to consider what files can be shared inside and outside of your business. This is where clearance and security levels will come into play.

Understanding your complete data requirements will be essential. Many of these electronic systems will cost you when it comes to the amount of storage you need. No more messy and unorganized filing. Figure out what category or specific folders you will be using. How are you going to group them?

The Software that Fits You

At this point, you will want to choose the correct software for your needs. Keep in mind the following when comparing different systems. How easy is it to use? It shouldn’t be complicated so that everyone will want to try it.

Many platforms supply a desktop or sync application so you can upload documents right from your desktop. Some even provide edits and uploads that correspond in real-time. Ideally, you will want simple integration with your present tools, email, web exploration, and apps.

The implementation of this system should make your life more organized and be in harmony with your daily business routines. Before using the software be clear with your staff about the rules of storing and naming your documents and enforce permission levels (based on skills and jobs).

Co-ordinate Your Systems

Even though you make the move to digital software for filing your documents, many people will still have a physical filing system in place as well. Echoing your organization applications will make your business life a lot simpler, especially if they are kept meticulously organized. Many businesspeople like tangible material as well as a digital system because it acts as a backup.

Avoid clutter and maintain order with the use of color-coded filing systems and open-shelf filing cabinets. This allows for files to be retrieved quickly and with ease. Open shelf filing cabinets for color-coded end tab filing systems are available from MBR Marketing at:

Final Tips

All your planning and preparation have led you to this moment where you can save, upload, and share your electronic documents. The following are some tips for thriving in this area.

  • Keep organized (can’t stress this enough)
  • Use subfolders (to control disorder)
  • Document naming protocol (to make sure everyone is on the same page).
  • Routine maintenance (removes unnecessary clutter)
  • Archive older files

Essentially, an electronic filing system will save you energy and time. It can also cut down on costs because of the elimination of clutter and overall disorganization. Some other benefits include:

  • Decreases amount of stored documents
  • Easier filing and search capabilities
  • Fewer documents lost
  • Makes staff turnover smoother
  • Improved continuity and compliance

It’s a good idea to think about implementing an electronic filing system for your company nowadays. Keeping up with the times is hard for some old-fashioned business-minded individuals, but to stay relevant, you must adapt. There is no other way to become lucrative but to stay on top.

There is a bit of a learning curve (as stated before), but this type of system will help you keep track, maintain, and manage your day-to-day business. Making things painless at work, will reduce the stress that can spill into your real life. It might take a little while to put everything into place (through research and actual implementation), but you will thank yourself afterward.