Office 365 Backup: Top 7 Reasons Why You Need a Third-Party Backup Solution

Microsoft Office 365 is a popular SaaS offering for today’s businesses. With Office 365, end users and organizations get a robust suite of productivity tools, which include OneDrive for Business, Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, and Microsoft Teams among others. Office 365 backup is proven to both safeguard emails, messages, and files, living in Office 365 production environments, but also deleted customer data that is no longer accessible to users.

For this reason, Microsoft recommends third-party, dedicated protection, for long-term extended coverage of O365 data, found in Office 365 backup solutions.

Some believe replication controls Microsoft offers natively provide the same level of control and coverage as dedicated Office 365 backup and recovery.

Infographic created by MXOtech, a network management solutions provider

However, these native controls are not built for extended, long-term data retention. Here is how dedicated, third-party solutions comprehensively safeguard data, while helping meet recovery SLAs:

  1. Internal Attack

Not all threats are external. While hackers and ransomware attempts skyrocket, internal threats and malicious users still dominate largely. If it is not properly protected, internal bad actors can intentionally delete, alter, or modify Office 365 data. Dedicated Azure Backup pricing plans mitigate such internal threats by supplying pristine point-in-time backups of your data. This allows businesses to restore vital data before any internal attack.

  1. Data Loss

Data loss comes in many figures and sizes, and no one is immune. With dedicated protection, clients get immutable, virtual air-gapped coverage with robust recovery controls – so they can always recover from loss or attack, including:

  1. Ransomware

Ransomware is a kind of malware attack that penetrates systems and rapidly encrypts data. As ransomware threats, and the price tags associated with them surge, Office 365 Backup Services provides a safety valve to protect and rapidly restore critical Office 365 data from attack.

  1. Deletion

User error happens. Whether mistakenly removing a user, errantly altering a site or document, or deleting an important email – dedicated Office 365 backup goes beyond Microsoft retention limits. With unlimited storage and unlimited retention offered via dedicated Office 365 Backup Services, businesses can always restore active or deleted Office 365 data.

  1. Extended retention policies

Whether meeting local, state, and federal regulations or internal firm standards, admins must comply with pre-established SLAs. With Office 365 Backup Solutions, you get unlimited storage, unlimited retention, and comprehensive recovery options that extend beyond O365 capabilities – enabling administrators to meet their stringent SLA requirements.

  1. Outages or Errors

While O365 services are highly available, downtimes, outages, or losses can still happen. Office 365 Backup Services ensures businesses always have a readily available copy of their official data, that’s stored outside of production environments.

  1. Robust recovery controls

With Office 365 cloud backup, customers get the protection that’s optimized for their needs. Coupled with granular search, flexible point-in-time/out-of-place repair options, and advanced deduplication and compression, dedicated Office 365 backup solutions offer requisite tools for admins to rapidly recover with speed, precision, and fewer headaches.


There are a ton of good reasons for Office 365 Backup Service. If you’re looking for an Office 365 backup solution provider to help your situation, then Apps4Rent would be the most suitable option as they help you to secure their IT infrastructure. Apps4Rent even has expertise in providing top-notch Services of Windows 365 Cloud PC and support to their clients, which makes them ideal partners to assign for the service.